Manage stress, be more productive, live healthier and be happier
Sign up and receive the best and most efficacious stress management tools in the world that will help you make better choices and transform your life. Carefully selected and proven to work, delivered once a week.
Our tools are proven to decrease stress by 50-75%

As seen in
Life is filled with potentially stressful incidents:
Traffic jams
Work deadlines
Home responsibilities

If we are unable to cope and do not have resilience, our mental, emotional, and physical health will be jeopardized.

Stress has been linked to major killers such as heart disease and stroke as well as weight gain, insomnia, depression, anxiety and headaches.
Source: Harvard Medical School “Stress Management” Special Report

Source: The American Institute of Stress
And it impacts one of the most important areas of our life: work.

Did you know that almost 20% of the US population is Hispanic and that this highly stressed community is at high risk?
Source: CEPR – Hispanic Workers in the United States;
Our tools are built to capture cultural nuances critical in effectiveness
We often can’t change the world and people around us. Stressful incidents will be ever present.
Traffic jams, work deadlines, bills, and home responsibilities will almost never go away.

The key is to learn to better cope with these incidents so as to minimize the stress they cause, and build resilience so that we can bounce back and recover when impacted.

We can help.
We’ve developed a powerful formula that combines best in class coaching strategies, mindfulness practices, meditations, and other powerful tools, into a potent and balanced approach that delivers life changing results.
Don’t hesitate. This is what awaits.
Mary Luz"The tools are slowly transforming my life. These resources have been very valuable in a series of changes I have had to make in my life that for years I didn't dare. Now they reinforce me in every step forward I have to take.”
Lilian"These tools are a great gift. I especially appreciate the brevity as it shows consideration for our time (I am a mother of four, a wife and work full time in the corporate world). I have made many decisions regarding my children and my work based on the tools I have acquired. To quote a cliché phrase that really encompasses what I think: they are like chicken soup for my soul. Thank you.”
United States
Jorge"The tools that are shared, particularly for me and the people I share them with, constitute teachings and a beacon in daily decision making. Understanding that inner struggle we all have and knowing what the right thing is to do is simply invaluable. Thank you.”
Leticia"The daily tools motivate me to start the day in a good mood as well as suggest a manner in which to face situations that arise in life, which guide me to calm and fair with myself and those around me".
Maria Teresa"I love the messages and tools because they help us understand that we are neither victims nor perpetrators, but responsible for the decisions we make, the words we say and the thoughts and feelings we generate. They help us to take responsibility.”
Cristian"The tools have helped me at a time in my life when I need a little push to get ahead. I've been going through a separation, along with the fact that my son is away. But with time and thanks to the tools, the meditations, I have been able to see the other side of all this. I have realized that the problems are going to be there all the time but my attitude towards them has changed. So, thank you for the help and the little nudges every day.”
Blanca"The tools and messages have left me with learnings; it's like coming out of a dark place into the light. Before everything tormented me, I wanted to please everyone, even if I had to give too much of myself. This Destructive Self cornered me. Now everything is different. I don't feel alone anymore. I see what's around me with different eyes. First there is my spiritual peace; I have learned to enjoy what the universe has for me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Ruby"It's an open door to move forward and grow. Every day I wait for the new tool. As these are for everyday situations, it is easy for me to focus on the subject and situate them in my own life".
Luis"The tools and messages are a reference point providing a purpose that has to continue.”
Monica"I have about six months using the tools, listening to the audios. As time has passed, I have changed my thoughts a lot... a slow but very good change in my life."
Matilde"I am very happy to have found these tools. They have made a great impact on my life. Now I have a very different focus in my thoughts and actions then I did before. I am slowly understanding what it is really like to live. Thank you for being there with the reflections, the self-help messages, the meditations. Thank you, thank you.”
Dominican Republic
Zunilda"I really don't have words to thank you for the important contribution of these tools. They help me to understand, see and value everything around me. They help me enjoy what I have. They have helped me to get through confusing situations.”
Mariela"The world needs these tools to improve life. Thank you for these sweet contributions.”
Benjamin"Since I started receiving the tools, I have learned a lot and implemented many changes to my life. It has been an immensely positive impact on my life. Thanks to the meditations I have been able to act from my True Self, expressing gratitude and at the same time bringing gratitude".
Mary"Everything I get, whether it's tools or content, is fantastic. The messages are clear and concise; they have become very special to my life and my family.”
Conchita"I don't think I can find an ideal word to define how much such positive and valuable tools have helped me to overcome difficult moments when a tool, a piece of advice, a phrase or something positive is needed.”
El Salvador
Juan"I am learning to be a better person, even with faults, but above all to be grateful. To be grateful, this action I perform daily, sometimes orally and sometimes in writing and it is worthy to say that I feel that this action produces a sort of “protection". I have tried not to erase the tools that I receive, sometimes I resort to them to reaffirm the change of behavior I want to make".
Solangel"Before I received these tools, I was a very explosive person, reactive, I did not avoid an argument and always thought I was right. With these tools, I have learned to be patient. That shouting louder does not always mean being right. Sometimes it's better to lose an argument than to lose a friend. I have learned to live life with my True Self in control. And I say that this is a great achievement for me because I have a very strong personality.”
Dominican Republic
Angie"What has completely changed my life has been learning to forgive myself, which I have learned with these tools. The changes began in my life with the tools and with the audios. I am putting things into practice that are helping me to be better. Now I am looking for ways to be happy. The tools lift me up day by day. Since I found all of this, I have completely changed my life. I try to implement everything that comes to me, that I read, that I see, that I hear, in everything that I find here. I'm at work and I'm listening to a tool. They help me to keep going. Everything, everything, everything helps a lot, everything is really very good. Yes, you can, you can improve day by day, step by step, you can go far.”
Claudia"The meditations, the reflections and the portal, have been very useful in my life. I am a person who easily forgets how wonderful I am and by listening daily, very early, to a brief meditation, I am able to convey peace and tranquility in my daily life. The daily reflections make me remember daily how wonderful it is to practice compassion, forgiveness and understanding, to understand the duality between our True Self, and our Destructive Self and that negativity does not offer anything good to my life. The tools remind me daily to know and understand life in a better way. I no longer waste time putting negative things into my head. I thank the heavenly universe for finding these tools in my life. Thank you for delivering such usefulness to our daily lives. The material shared is like a very beautiful song, which I want to learn by heart and never forget.”
Sandra"It has helped me a lot, everything I've learned. I no longer drown in a glass of water, but by putting the advice into practice, I feel that I can make better decisions, that I have more energy and more joy in my life. I try to be connected to my True Self so that I can enjoy everything I love in life without guilt. I offer all my gratitude for everything that comes to me. Many blessings and please continue watering in the world those seeds of love that are so well cultivated here.”
José"Since I started getting the tools, I feel my life has improved. I used to be a negative person, I thought everything was going to go wrong, I was afraid of new things, new projects etc., but now I realize that this fear was my Destructive Self, which made my life miserable. I set out to get better and to fight, thanks to these tools. When I put into practice what I receive, my life changes as well as the lives of those close to me. It is a feeling of freedom, of control over me, and it is rewarding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Liz"I love reading the messages I get every day. They are so accurate about my needs or those of someone around me. I remember one day I had a very strong fibromyalgia attack and all I wanted was to be alone. The message came that I should live and enjoy every moment, every activity, every person. I was at home with my children and my husband, I decided to call them one at a time and talk to them about anything; it was incredible how happy I felt. Living those five minutes with my husband and my four children individually made me forget my pain, feel happier and more grateful for who I am and what I have. Thank you, thank you.”
Anonymous"I'm getting organized. I feel very calm, accepting good and bad things as part of a learning process, always thanking God for one more day of life. I was afraid at one time because of some decisions I made, but today I am sure they were the right ones. It has been a long time since I’ve felt this calm inside, with so much peace, doing the things I like, and for the first time in a long time I feel happy. I have taken away the control of my Destructive Self, and I have allowed my True Self to take control, and now it is different. I speak with love, I don't scream, I don't like to be screamed at, I have patience when I have to wait anywhere and I try to solve the problems by talking, trying to reconcile and not getting agitated. Everything I'm going to do I leave in the hands of God and I realize how beautiful it is to let your True Self take control.”
Dayami"The tools have been very supportive in my personal and spiritual life. In fact, I always share them with the people around me.”
Debora"I have become accustomed to receiving the daily encouragement. They have helped me a lot, thank you very much!”
Elvira"The tools have been very helpful because they have allowed me to reflect. I share what comes to me and I realize that those around me also reflect; they like what they receive, and we comment on it... We already have a topic for constructive conversation. Thank you.”
Loardo"The way the tools are communicated is effective. A positive attitude is always transmitted, everyday topics are relatable to all the followers. The destructive, the negative, is cancelled out by the positive. Moreover, with the meditation that comes, it is complete.”
Andrés Antonio"The tools, comments and reflections are very positive. They are very useful to me and I want to continue receiving them.”
Midian"I live in Venezuela and here it's complicated every day. Thanks to the tools I lead a happy, grateful life with God and the Universe for the many blessings that come into my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
José"The tools and messages have been very helpful. They are simple, short and of high emotional and spiritual content. Eternally grateful.”
Ceci"I'm going through a difficult situation right now and when I get the tools and I use them; they give me strength and encouragement to go forward.”
Natalia"Every tool helps me a lot in life. I always keep them all and read them again. They are a great support to me.”
José Manuel"The tools and the wonderful observation points have given me a lot of satisfaction. They make me think about my heart, daily life and work, and observe the world and its behavior and see that we can create a better and happier world together. I see it from the perspective that nothing is impossible if you are positive and learn to be happy.”
United States
Noraida"My daughter migrated in search of new opportunities to another country. For me, as a mother, it has been very difficult; I am still very concerned about how she is, how she is doing, and my fears have taken over. My daughter and I are constantly connected via WhatsApp and on several occasions when we are talking, we have received your daily message. We both say, ‘Did you see what we just got?’ We begin to calm our fears and see situations differently... Thank you.”
Migdalia"At certain times we feel lost or simply need light in the face of certain aspects and ways of seeing situations that life presents to us. The tools help to have a different and more assertive way of approaching and assuming not so pleasant experiences that happen to us and that leave behind traces".
Luis"One of the tools that has been very useful and practical for me is around facing my fears. Before, I used to avoid activities that produced fear, I stopped visiting places because of fear. Now I face them and nothing happens to me; but I don't stop recognizing that I have to make an effort to face them. In the end I feel satisfied for having achieved it and so the fear fades away and I don't let it grow and mature more in me. Thank you for allowing us to receive so many blessings and help with the material we constantly have access to; it is a guide. It has a lot of value.”
Josefina"I love the tools. They help me reflect and give me tips for some of the situations in my life. I love to meditate, even though I thought I didn't know how and couldn’t because of my Catholic formation. I used these tools and now they help me understand more the love of God, that we have been created in his image and likeness, and the commandment you shall love your neighbor as yourself. With the tools and your reflections, I am understanding myself and, above all, loving myself more.”
Graciela"I recently became upset and uncomfortable with a situation that occurred. At the time I remembered two of the tools, one about how not wanting to always have everything under your control and another about how when we least expect it sometimes we get more, because expectations, if they are for erroneous reasons, whether low or high, can or usually have the opposite effect. I was pleasantly surprised to use them and had moments of edifying and constructive talks that sweetly healed my heart, a heart that had been distant from those who really love me. The tools also helped me to be more receptive and understand things better.”
Ali"Thank you, thank you, thank you. The messages have reached me at the right time... I am moving in the evolution of being better and better every day."
Blanca"These wise tools come into our lives when we need them most. They have helped me in analyzing myself. For example: Forgiveness, to love all human beings, and to share and help in any way I can. Really my life has changed, and I have learned to meditate. God bless everything.”
United States
Lissette"The tools and messages are very comforting. They allow you to analyze, compare and even become aware of whether or not you should change certain attitudes, even with certain things you have not done so far.”
Anonymous"Wonderful, fantastic, everything I get teaches me a lot for my daily life.”
Dayana Saez"It has happened that I've been going through a situation and suddenly the tools appear, and it's been an encouragement. That's when I breathe and don't let my destructive self invade me.”
Lorena"The tools shared have been a great help. They have helped me to know myself. That's what I was really looking for. They've been like a workbook.”
Anabel"Everything that has been shared has helped me a lot. The tools have become a necessity for me.”
Gloria"The messages open my mind to approach things in everyday life from another perspective. I love reading them. Thanks a lot for joining me in this positive energy; I hope to continue counting on them.”
Anonymous"Excellent phrases and tools that make us think about how much we can improve. We have to put them into practice to improve as a person more and more every day. The truth has helped me a lot... Thank you".
Carmen"The tools have helped me a lot since the first day I got them and they continue to do so. I had never considered subscribing to a similar page, but since I did, I look at my email more often and see things differently. I don't feel so alone anymore because I have realized that I am not the only one who needs to hear or read what you are transmitting. Most of the time, the subject of the emails corresponds to the stage I'm going through and that's why I always follow the advice. Simply, thank you. Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face and making me think.”
Alicia"I am very grateful for the tools I have received. They have helped me get to know myself, become more organized in my life plans, and consider better options in my day-to-day so that I can set aside valuable time for myself. That is and has been beautiful. They help me to make better decisions and to plan with less distress for my everyday situations and activities. Thank you. I also appreciate the meditations and relaxation sent to me to grow spiritually and emotionally.”
José Antonio"It is a real honor for me to receive this important, rewarding and very refreshing information on my mobile phone. It means a lot to me, it helps me to nourish myself with new things, which I usually share with friends and colleagues; many of them are highly motivated by such important contributions. Thank you for being so kind and helping us in this congested walk of life. The tools help me, and I can help my contacts and friends with every one received. God bless.Thank you for existing. Don't change the messages, please.”
Anonymous"Excellent phrases and tools that make us think about how much we can improve. We have to put them into practice to improve as a person more and more every day. The truth has helped me a lot... Thank you".
Margarita"I have always found in the tools the essential wisdom to live in the present, not in the past or in the future; but mainly to live it with enthusiasm and confidence. I have also learned how to adapt better to life, learning that circumstances are always transient. It's really been very supportive material.